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PlayPen Compiler: Using Bison

I’ve completed my explanation of Bison and posted it here. Bison is a context-free parser generator. My page has a brief description (considering there are books on the software) of how to form a Bison file. I go through the bison file (grammar.y) used in the PlayPen skeleton project provided in Chapter 0 with comments to explain each grammar rule. An understanding of Bison is important at this particular point and time because this is…

Introducing the PlayPen Compiler Tutorial

Creating even a primitive compiler is difficult. There many tools involved and many points of error. I can compile a language of my own creation now. Unfortunately, I still need another compiler like g++ or clang to do the linking. So after writing this compiler, I will attempt to write a linker. I’m not through with the compiler at the time of this writing. I haven’t implemented branching or looping. LLVM provides documentation for those…

My Two Long Term Projects

My goal is to continue to post little projects that may be of use to people in small ways. Little utilities that aren’t revolutionary, just functional tidbits that either produce something useful or increase productivity. I also want to release code that has the least restrictive license possible so you can feel free to copy the code line for line and not worry about attribution. Concern about licenses was one of my biggest headaches as…